Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum of

Mario Baldi


Associate Professor of Computer Networks (on leave)
Research and Advanced Development
2100 Logic Dr.
San Jose, CA 95124
e-mail mario.baldi[at]

Politecnico di Torino 
Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24
10129 Torino - Italia
Phone +39 011 090 7067 Fax +39 011 090 7198
e-mail mario.baldi[at]



Italian and English: complete spoken and written fluency. French: fair listening and speaking. Spanish: good listening and reading; fair speaking. German: rudimentary listening (learning). Chinese: very, very basic.

Professional Positions

Fellow, AMD, Research and Advanced Development, San Jose, CA, since 2022.

Fellow, Pensando Systems, Inc., Milpitas, CA, 2019-2022.

Associate Professor of Computer Networks at Department of Computer and Control Engineering of Technical University of Turin, Italy, since October 2002 (tenured since October 2005), currently on leave.

Director of Technology, Cisco Systems, New York, NY, from May 2015 to October 2019.

Data Scientist Director with the CTO Office at Symantec, Mountain View, CA - 2015.

Principal Member of Technical Staff with the CTO Office at Narus, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, from June 2012 to December 2014.

Principal Architect, Senior Member of Technical Staff at Embrane, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, from October 2010 to May 2012.

Vice Dean and Project Manager of the Sino-Italian Engineering Campus, at Tongji University, Shanghai, China, from September 2006 to July 2010 (resident in Shanghai since September 2007).

Vice President for Protocol Architecture, at Synchrodyne Networks, Inc., New York, NY, from October 1999 to October 2001, while on leave of absence from Technical University of Turin. Synchrodyne Networks, Inc. is a start-up company that produces and markets very high-speed synchronous packet switches.

Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering at Department of Computer and Control Engineering of Technical University of Turin, Italy, from November 1997 to September 2002.

Professional Activities and Appointments Architecture Workgroup, Co-chair, since 2022.

University of Verona, reviewer for finding proposals submitted to the program "Bando Joint Projects - JP07", 2007.

University of Trento (Department of information Engineering and Science), Consulting Professor at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione, Trento, Italy since 2006.

Croatian Ministry for Science Education and Sport, reviewer for funding proposals, since 2006.

Association of Medical Doctors of the Province of Turin (Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoriatri della Provincia di Torino), consultant for the realization of the information and communication system of the new headquarters, since 2006.

ToPIX (Torino Piemonte Internet Exchange), member of the Program Development Committee, 2006-2007.

Technical University of Turin, Control and Computer Engineering Department, Coordinator of Departmental Research Laboratories, 2003-2007.

Technical University of Turin, International Relations Office, support in the establishment and development of relationships with Chinese Institutions, since 2006.

Technical University of Turin, School of Information and Communication Technology, member of the Research and Teaching Laboratory Committee, 2003-2007.

Internet Protocols and Network Architecture Laboratory (LIPAR), Technical University of Turin and Istituto Superiore Mario Boella: scientific committee member, 2003 - present.

Agenzia delle Entrate del Ministero del Tesoro (Revenue Agency, Italian Ministry of Treasury), consultant for the optimization of nationwide computer network, 2004.

Atlanet S.p.A., survey of Voice over IP infrastructure to assess the extendibility of assets' lifetime, 2004.

Network for the Italian Public Administration, consultant for the preparation of a European call for tender, 2003. 

Ministero dell'Istruzione, Universit� e Ricerca (MIUR, Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research), reviewer for funding proposals, 2003.

Technical University of Turin, member of the technical committee for the design, deployment, and evolution of the institution's campus network, 2003.

TrustedFlow Systems, Inc., Chicago, Il, Co-founder, co-invent the technology, protect intellectual property, commercialize the patents- 2000-present

External programmer and consultant for International Marketing Co. in Cuneo, Italy, from 1990 to 1991.

Research Positions and Activities

2001-2007: Head of the Computer Networks Group (NetGroup) at the Department of Computer Engineering of Politecnico di Torino. During such period the group grew from including only one PostDoc to including one Assistant Professor, six PhD students, one PostDoc, and one researcher.

2007-2008: Consulting Researcher at Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (Turin, Italy) for working on the Harrison research project.

April 1999, April 1998: Visiting Synchrodyne, Inc., New York, NY. Reference: Dr. Y. Ofek.

Summer 1998: Visiting scholar at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, California. Reference Dr. A. Albanese. A grant from CNR (the Italian National Research Council) financed the visit.

November 1994 - November 1997: Ph.D. student in Computer and System Engineering at the Computer and Control Engineering Department of Technical University of Turin, tutor Prof. S. Gai. Studies were financed by a scholarship from Politecnico di Torino.

April - May and July - September, 1997: Visiting Ph.D. student at the Computer Science Department at Columbia University in New York, New York. Reference: Dr. Y. Ofek and Dr. B. Yener. A scholarship from Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A. (CSELT) covered travel and living expenses.

April - September 1996: Visiting student at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. The visit was part of his Ph.D. program and it was partly funded by a scholarship from CSELT.

CSI Piemonte scholarship for research and experimentation at the Computer and Control Engineering Department of Technical University of Turin. July 1994 - July 1995.

Digital Equipment Corporation scholarship for research and experimentation at the Computer and Control Engineering Department of Technical University of Turin. March - June 1994.

Graduation thesis in the framework of the E3 Project at the Computer and Control Engineering Department of Technical University of Turin. September 1992 - May 1993.

Research areas include network services for cloud computing and network virtualization, internetworking, high performance switching, optical networking, quality of service, multimedia over packet networks, voice over IP, trust in distributed software execution, and computer networks in general.

Funded Research Projects

2014-2015: Wi-Fact (WIreless FACTory and beyond) - training subproject; proposal preparation, project lead and management, including selection of instructors and operations. Funded up to 195 K�, 45 K� of which assigned to Politecnico di Torino, by the Italian Ministry for University and Reaseach (MiUR) in the context of a program for ICT-related research and development in the Piedmont region. The training program includes factory automation concepts and solutions, computer network and wireless network technologies, product lifecycle. In the companion research subproject Mario Baldi works on solutions to provide reliable and dependable wireless communications and network monitoring solutions.

2013-2014: MOVER (Multi-�user Optimized Virtual Edge Router); leading proposal preparation, coordination of partners in project execution, management of Politecnico�s participation, and technical contribution. Selected by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Israeli Ministry for Industry, Commerce and Labor, with a 300 K� budget, the Italian partners are funded with 54 K� of which 11 K� assigned to Politecnico di Torino. NetGroup�s contribution focuses on the design and implementation of the virtualization framework for a programmable edge router supporting per-user software configuration, the network application development environment and the infrastructure for the user authentication and network application execution and portability.

2013-2015: SECURED (SECURity at the network EDge); technical contribution. Funded by the European Commission as a STREP Project under the ICT Programme, contract FP7-ICT-611458. NetGroup's contribution focuses on designing and prototyping a network node architecture providing a trusted and virtualized execution environment allowing different actors (e.g. single users, corporate ICT managers, network providers) to install on-demand and execute multiple security applications on the network edge device to protect the traffic of a specific user.

2013-2015: UNIFY (Unifying Cloud and Carrier Networks); technical contribution. Funded by the European Commission as an IP Project under the ICT Programme, contract CNECT-ICT-619609. NetGroup's contribution focuses on contributing to the design and prototyping a universal network node capable of executing both networking and processing functionalities to be deployed across the whole networking and cloud infrastructure.

2010-2012: BESOS (Bandwidth efficiency and Energy Saving through sub-lambda Optical Switching); proposal preparation, management of Politecnico�s participation, and technical contribution. Funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Reaseach (MIUR) in the context of the Relevant National Interest Projects (PRIN) Programme up to 150 K� of which 34 K� assigned to Politecnico di Torino. NetGroup�s contribution focuses on studying control plane solutions for reducing energy consumption in time-driven switched networks.

2006 - 2009: RE-TRUST (Remote EnTrusting by RUn-time Software auThentication); proposal preparation and management of Politecnico di Torino's participation. Funded by the European Commission as a STREP Project under IST (Information Society Technologies) Programme contract FP6-021168 up to 1.55 M� of which 319 K� assigned to Politecnico di Torino.

2006 - 2009: MEADOW (MEsh  ADaptive hOme Wireless networks); proposal preparation, management of NetGroup's participation, and technical contribution. Funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Reaseach (MIUR) in the context of the Research Fostering Fund (FAR) Programme up to 2.41 M� of which 117 K� assigned to the NetGroup.

2006-2007: HARRISON; technical contribution as a Consulting Researcher to Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB). Funded by the European Commission as the selected bid to the 3rd Galileo Joint Undertaking Call - Galileo Time and Synchronization Applications contract GJU/06/8068 up to 1.9 M� of which 120 K� assigned to ISMB.

2006-2007: OSATE (Optics in Switching Architectures: Theory and Experimentation); technical contribution. Funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Reaseach (MIUR) in the
context of the Relevant National Interest Projects (PRIN) Programme up to 149 K� of which 35 K� assigned to Politecnico di Torino. NetGroup�s contribution focuses on experimentation of ultra-scalable switching architectures.

2005-2006: QUASAR (Quality and Controllability of Communication Services over Heterogeneous Networks); proposal preparation, management of Politecnico di Torino's participation, and technical contribution. Funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Reaseach (MIUR) in the context of the Relevant National Interest Projects (PRIN) Programme up to 144 K� of which 28 K� assigned to Politecnico di Torino.

2004-2006: E-NEXT (Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies); proposal preparation, management of Politecnico di Torino's participation, and technical contribution. Funded by the European Commission as a Network of Excelence (NoE) under IST (Information Society Technologies) Programme contract FP6-506869 up to 2.87 M� of which 38 K� assigned to Politecnico di Torino.

1995 - 1997: NICE (National Host InterConnection Experiment); Proposal preparation, management of Politecnico di Torino's participation, and technical contribution. Funded by the European Commission under ACTS Programme contract AC110.

Research Contracts

2009: Service Access on Highway VANETs, Cisco Systems, Cisco Research Award, 55 k$

2007: Advancing High-performance Packet Processing, Cisco Systems, University Research Program (URP), 120 k$

2006: IP networking evolution, Telecom Italia Labs, 10 K�

2005: Experimentation with e-presence services over IPv6 networks, CSI Piemonte, 41 K�

2003: Prototypal implementation of a remote software authentication system, Microsoft Research, 9 K�

2003: IP traffic classification and processing, Telecom Italia Labs, 30 K�

2002: Advanced Networking Services, Telecom Italia Labs, 50 K�

Teaching Positions 

2008-2010: Guest Professor at Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

May 2006: Visiting Professor at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione (Department of information Engineering and Science), University of Trento, Trento, Italy

Spring 2005: Visiting Professor at Institut de Technologie du Cambodge, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Fall 2004: Honorary Visiting Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, La Trobe University, at Bundoora (Melbourne), Victoria.

Fall 1998: Adjunct Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL.

Teaching and Seminars

Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Professor for the following graduate and undergraduate courses (at Politecnico di Torino when not differently specified):

Lecturer in the following graduate courses at Technical University of Turin:

Instructor for the following undergraduate courses at Technical University of Turin:

Teaching assistant for the following graduate courses at Technical University of Turin:

Academic year 1992/93: teaching assistant fellowship for students of Technical University of Turin.

Video course "Computer Networks II" produced and distributed by Consorzio Nettuno, Rome, Italy and being used in undergraduate distance learning curricula throughout Italy. Filmed in 2003. Distributed and broadcasted since 2003.

Professional Training

Training seminars at

on various computer networks and software engineering topics.

Academic seminars, tutorials, invited talks, and panels

Keynote addresses

Other Academic Offices

Committee for International Student Mobility, School of Computer, Movie, and Mechatronic Engineering, Politecnico di Torino (Technical University of Turin), Chair since December 2012.

BSc programme in Information Technology Engineering at the Sino-Italian Campus, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, Coordinator, 2006-2010.

Scientific Committee of the Master Innovation at Politecnico di Torino (Technical University of Turin), member since 2006.

Scientific Committee of the Master in Networking and Security at Telecom Italia Learning Services (TILS), member since 2003.

Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Advances in Network Systems Architecture," IEEE Networks Magazine, published in July 2007. 

Editorial Board of the Journal of Communications Software and Systems (JCOMSS), IEEE Communications Society, member since 2005.

Editorial board of the SPIE Optical Networks Magazine, Kluwer Academic Publisher, since 2003.

Guest Editor of the Special Issue "Dynamic Optical Networking: around the Corner or Light Years Away?", Optical Networks Magazine, Vol. 4, No. 5, Sep./Oct. 2003.

Technical Program Committee of several conferences, including IEEE Infocom, IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Symposium on Optical Networking in association to the IEEE Conference on Communications (ICC), IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM), International Workshop on QoS in Multiservice IP Networks (QoSIP), IEEE International Symposium on Autonomus Decentralized Systems (ISADS), International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services (QoFIS).

PhD Thesis External Review Committee of the International Doctorate School in Information and Communication Technology of Trento, Italy, 2004 - present.

Other Experience 

Firefighter I and Firefighter II, Pro Board certification, 2021.

Cundy's Harbor Volunteer Fire Department, Firefighter and Rescue Driver, Harpswell, ME, 2018-present.


35 patents issued by the United States Patent Office in the field of networking and security.
One patent issued by the European Patent Office in the field of high performance networking.
One pending application to the United States Patent Office in the fields of high performance networking and security.


Book Chapters
Conferences and Workshops
Technical Reports
Ph.D. Dissertation
Graduation Thesis

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Last Update in June 2021